Beverley Diamond

“Re” Thinking: Revitalization, Return, and Reconciliation in Contemporary Indigenous Expressive Culture.

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Michaëlle Jean and Jean-Daniel Lafond

TO THE ARTS, CITIZENS! : Social Mediation through the Arts

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Dr. Kwame Anthony Appiah

Society Matters: why should we value the Humanities?

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James Bartleman

Residential Schools: Have we forgotten our responsibility?

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Weaver, Johnson and Chuenpagdee

How Do We Build Resilient Communities in the Face of Climate Change?

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Gérard Bouchard and Graham Fraser

Pluralist Societies: what's their future?

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David Adams Richards

Threatened Identity: what do we lose when we lose the sense of place?

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Chief Shawn Atleo

First Nations Education: Can we afford to miss out?

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Antonine Maillet

Giving voice: Who speaks for the forgotten?

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Andrew Weaver, climatologist

How can Canadians keep their cool in a warming world?

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climate change panel

Europe wants to attract canadian scholars

The European Union seeks to develop collaboration with overseas scholars, among which Canadians. In partnership with the three funding bodies and various departments and agencies, an organization, ERA-Can, has been created with the purpose of making the funding opportunities better known. Era –Can was at Congress 2011 to meet with Canadian Sociological association (on June 1st) and with the Canadian association for the studies of Cooperation, on June 2nd.

ERA-Can’s purpose is to bring help and information to Canadian scholars who would like to work with Europe by setting up meetings and doing presentations on the 7th Framework Program (7FP), the EU research funding program.

Many Canadians are already involved and benefit from that funding.
To get more information please look at the  CSA presentation and the CACS presentation.

Also, here you can have a look at the 7FP portal, on the European commission website.


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