Weaver, Johnson and Chuenpagdee
How Do We Build Resilient Communities in the Face of Climate Change?
Tuesday, May 31
14:30 to 16:00
Edmund Casey Hall, Ted Daigle Auditorium
The science is complex, the picture is daunting, the impacts all too real. A global challenge, climate change is creating environmental, economic and social upheaval, particularly in coastal and northern communities.
What strategies are available to those communities to mitigate and adapt to climate change and its impact on their ecosystems? Are there governance and policy hurdles hindering the development and implementation of such strategies? As our nation is facing this global challenge, can and will local actions make a difference?
Join Big Thinking speaker and Canada Research Chair in Climate Modeling and Science, Dr. Andrew Weaver, anthropologist and Vanier Scholar Noorjehan Johnson, and Canada Research Chair in Natural Resource Sustainability and Community Development, Dr. Ratana Chuenpagdee in this inspiring conversation on community activism, sustainability and resilience.