Andrew Weaver, climatologist
How Can Canadians Keep Their Cool in a Warming World?
Tuesday, May 31
12:15 to 13:20
Edmund Casey Hall, Ted Daigle Auditorium
Canadians across the country are already feeling the effects of a warming climate. Yet, there is much confusion and misinformation complicating the public¹s understanding of the issue. A stew of science, economics, ideology and spin characterise the discourse on global warming making it almost impossible for citizens to develop informed opinions on the topic.
In his 2011 Big Thinking lecture at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Andrew Weaver will explore how climate scientists can effectively communicate with the media, government and the public, resulting in evidence-based public policy and better informed citizens making choices about their future.
A recognised expert in both climate science and science communication, Dr. Weaver holds the Canadian Research Chair in Climate Modeling and Science at the University of Victoria, British Columbia.